Is Treating Your Employees Right the Key to Success?

Having recently covered how Zappos treats their employees right, I explored companies that provide similar benefits to their employees. Surprisingly, with their recent losses, Facebook is the best tech companies that employees can work in. Not only providing mediocre benefits, Facebook provides a relax environment for employees to work in; they don’t feel like robots working in cubicles, there’s instead a homey feeling in the office.

I think this makes employees feel like Facebook isn’t actually a place where they spend 9-5 working and eager to go home. Making the office like a home will instead make Facebook like home for them, so they actually enjoy being at the office and feel like work is not something to stress about but to be enjoyed like any other activities we do at home. For a tech company like Facebook, it is crucial to keep employees motivated and creative considering the intense competition in the industry that can destroy companies in an instant.

In one of Olivia’s posts, she also mentioned about how Google treats their employees well to keep them motivated and that is what she believed other companies should do if they want to be successful. I completely agree with her, as even if Facebook is having troubles now, they are regardless still a profitable company. I too believe that to ensure continuity and profitability in the future, other businesses should implement employees-benefiting practices not only to carry out their responsibility but to create excellent environment for employees to work to their full potential.

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