“Vancity sells its Enbridge shares over ethics concern” TVS

Vancity Credit Union is a  socially responsible organization. Their membership shares the same ethical values as the financial institution. Enbridge Inc. lost Vancity as an investor last Wednesday. Vancity chose to divest from enbridge due to a couple of factors. The first being that the company did not deal with an oil spill in a safe manner which resulted in one of the most devastatingly large land spills to date.

Vancity is very proud on their socially responsible investing and after the US safety survey came out with Enbridge in the dumps Vancity reevaluated their investment.  Many of the Vancity memberships prides itself with having the same values and ethics as the organization they partially own.

This is a great connection between how ethics and business coincide in today’s day and age.  Vancity’s appeal is their socially responsible ethics and people from the Vancouver area are drawn to the credit union because they see how aligned their personal values are with the financial institution they decide to bring their money to.

To read about it more, “click” the link below:


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