Value Propositions of Mac Computers

In recent classes of Comm 101, we have focused much on the topic of Value Propositions. A value proposition is a promise of value which a company/producers guarantee the consumer to experience after purchasing their product. Value propositions are addition qualities of certain gadgets which make them unique giving the customer a clear reason to why that product should be chosen over others.

Apple’s Mac computers are great examples of products which offer a number of value propositions attracting the public in to purchasing their product over competitors. One key value proposition which Mac computers offer is the Sofos antivirus tool from Macintosh, which pretty much guarantees no viruses. Another value to buying a Mac computer is its easy to use multi-tasking ability. Overall the Apple’s Mac computer provides many unique attractions increasing its value in the eyes of the public. We can clearly see that Mac computers are getting very popular among students at UBC; this is due to its “Value Propostions.”

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