Reply: Arby’s “Fresher” than Subway?

My following entry is in response to Ben Lawson’s Blog Post in which he mentioned how competitors such as Apple and Samsung demean each other in certain ads or commercials.“The ad by Samsung:” (Ben Lawson)

After watching the above ad posted by Ben, it made me realize that marketing such as this goes against Business Ethics, another topic discussed in our Comm 101 class. Coincidently the same night while watching TV, I came across a similar commercial in which Arby’s exposed the truth about where the so called “FRESH” meat in Subway sandwiches actually comes from. The ad claims that Subway meat is shipped from a factory rather than being sliced fresh at the restaurant location; it then reinforces that Arby’s meat is literally sliced fresh, “unlike Subway’s.” Does this negate Subway’s motto of” Subway Eat Fresh?” I am now excitedly awaiting a reply from Subway.

The ad from Arby’s:

Foxconn’s Iphone Plant Strike (China)

Approximately 4000 workers went on strike this Friday at the Foxconn iphone plant in China. As we all know this is a very crucial time financially for the American company as it recently released its profitable iphone 5 smartphone.

Thousands of Foxconn workers who make the iPhone 5 are on strike, according to reports.

The strike has resulted in a lack of supply from Apple in some places across the world. Employees were offended when the company demanded them to work through National Days Holidays which began Monday.Tension has spread in other Foxconn manufacturing locations across all of China due to poor working conditions and wages. Foxconn plants have employed over a million in China producing majority of the worlds iphones and ipads. As of now this particular location remains paralyzed; no information has been released to when production will resume.

Unethical Marketing

Take a look at the picture below. How could this be printed and shown to world? I find this completely immoral in so many ways. A pregnant lady holding a bee; now, I know this advertisement says non alcoholic, but still beer and all types of liquor were initially made for intoxication

.After seeing this picture the first question that came to my mind was, what message is this advertisement trying to send the public? Is it that pregnant women should drink non alcoholic beverages? Whatever the message may be, it comes down to how one interprets it. It’s really important that companies take all views in to consideration. Adults may be smart enough to understand that this picture is wrong in many ways and just brush it off their shoulders. On the other hand, if young female teens/adults were to see this, they could take this ad serious and truly believe that it is okay for pregnant women to drink alcohol. This has taught me that ethics play a great role in marketing.