
Specialty Incubators, what are they?  This new emergence in the business world is explained as a support group for entrepreneurs.  “This notion of an ad hoc advisory board of your peers can be extremely helpful,”   It is very helpful to have a peer group of people who can help you get through the hardest part of a new business, the startup.  This article speaks of the many incubators in which newly immigrated business people have to face in order to get their vision off the ground.  Specifically, there is a program in San Francisco called La Cocina, where they help new immigrated women start up their own culinary business.  They do everything, from finding the right space, to aiding them in the legalities of the new country.

This program as mentioned is in San Francisco, which ironically enough happens to be Silicon Valley.  Technology is at the highest in this area of the country.  Specialty incubators focus on the time length for start-ups according to the industry they are working with.  For example, the internet start-ups can have quick success after an app production.  Then there is the opposite side, “In the electronics industry, it takes seven to 10 years to get a product out. It’s more a marathon than a sprint.”  These specialty incubators are wonderful assistance to the new entrepreneurs trying to make their name in the market.  Refer to : http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-11-06/theres-an-incubator-for-almost-every-business#r=nav-r-story

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