Technology taking over our world…

The importance of a mobile phone seems more than ever today. From providing us with direct communication with friends and family to keeping us connected with worldly events at the click of a button. Researchers in Africa have provided us with partial answer to how important mobile phones are. The research says that people in Africa today will decide to skip a meal or choose to walk instead of paying for a bus fare just so that they can keep their phone in credit.

The weekly value of sacrifices average just over 72 Kenyan shillings (84 American cents), which is a huge amount considering that a daily wage of Kenyan could be a dollar. However, the popularity of the mobile phone is not the attractive features such as internet browsing, rather it is the ability to transfer money through M-pesa (a mobile based money-transfer system). It seems today that the world would have difficulty operating without today`s technology.

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