Unethical Marketing

Take a look at the picture below. How could this be printed and shown to world? I find this completely immoral in so many ways. A pregnant lady holding a bee; now, I know this advertisement says non alcoholic, but still beer and all types of liquor were initially made for intoxication

.After seeing this picture the first question that came to my mind was, what message is this advertisement trying to send the public? Is it that pregnant women should drink non alcoholic beverages? Whatever the message may be, it comes down to how one interprets it. It’s really important that companies take all views in to consideration. Adults may be smart enough to understand that this picture is wrong in many ways and just brush it off their shoulders. On the other hand, if young female teens/adults were to see this, they could take this ad serious and truly believe that it is okay for pregnant women to drink alcohol. This has taught me that ethics play a great role in marketing.

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