Monthly Archives: November 2016

The Beauty of Having an Explainer Video

The magic of having a video on your homepage.

In this day and age, it’s well known that reading a bunch of words can get tedious. A web users average attention span has decreased from 12s in 2001 to 8s in 2015 and that means the words you’ve typed up explaining your product will not get read no matter how much effort you put into it. This is why it’s essential to have an explainer video as the first thing people see on their website. Let’s look at an example, go to this website:

What’s the first thing you see? A sign that says “Meet Hue” and a play button. What this video shows is a quick way to use their smart lighting product and additionally it provides the information they want to push forth in less than 100 words. By doing this, a company decreases the friction (no. of clicks) a website visitor has to face when trying to find information when they can get all they need from the video. This video HAS to be above the fold as well so people don’t have to scroll down to watch it therefore making it more convenient.

Okay, so you’re shooting your first video to put on your homepage and you’re wondering I listened to the guy on the blog, there are costs to this and what’s going to happen when I put it up? Well, what I can tell you is, according to Unbounce, that videos increase your conversion rates by 20%. That’s a juicy 20% that you and every business should think about capturing. Philips Hue already has a head start on this, what are you waiting for?