Content Marketing on Twitter

Content Marketing

Content Marketing is a Major Key

Ah, social media. For those of us who were born in the years before internet gripped us without letting go, marketeers weren’t concerned about the most relevant hashtags, who to mention or what to re tweet. Things were simpler back then, right? It maybe so but the reality is that we have social media at our disposal and it’s an amazing way to reach out to your customer base. Besides Facebook and Instagram, Twitter is 1/3 of the Big Three (as I like to call them) and it is great for content marketing.

What do I mean by content marketing? You could look up the dictionary definition of it but to put it simply, you have to engage with content (pictures, videos, articles etc.) which is consistent with your brand. Let’s say your company sells healthy snacks like granola bars with raisins (spare me), you want to share content such as lifestyle blog articles about living healthy or how the content in granola bars helps you feel better rather than eating your standard chocolate bar. It’s imperative that every company makes use of all of the Big Three.

Here, I’ll list out simple things to do on Twitter when content marketing around your brand. All examples will assume that the brand being promoted has to do with healthy snacks.

  1. Like, tweet and re-tweet content you think is relevant to your brand. Example: Re-tweet an article about a great daily routine for a person whose life revolves around eating healthy and remaining fit.
  2. @mention people who have a larger audience than your own with relevant tweets. By doing this you’re ensuring that people who are not following you can see the post and therefore become aware of your product. Example: Usain Bolt has 4.5 million followers, I would say that’s pretty sizable. Tweet @ him and make it witty and/or interesting. A sample tweet could be: “@usainbolt Pretty sure if you eat a granola bar before you run, you can beat your own records. Be your own competition.”
  3. Hashtags and visuals. These are two things you should make constant use of in the Twitterverse. Hashtags and visuals (videos or pictures) can increase engagement two fold which is something I’m sure any company is interested in doing. For this I cannot provide an example with a visual but relevant hashtags would be #BarsforFitness #Fitness #Fiberkeepsmehealthy. You’d want to do a bit of research into Longtail and Fathead hashtags just like you would for SEO.

Lastly, don’t forget the 80/20 rule! 80% is content marketing and 20% is self promotion.

I hope the tips above will help you gain more engagement and more followers which in turn can help you grow your customer base and convert more people. Content marketing on Twitter is a major key.

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