Monthly Archives: September 2014

Ethics in the work Place

Ethics are the principles that a person abides by in a way that conforms to society rules and is beneficial to those all around. Ethics are applied to many aspects of our life whether it is at home, school or work. Work being the main focus of my attention here. Business Ethics is the study of proper business policies and practices regarding potentially controversial issues, such as corporate governance, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, corporate social responsibility and fiduciary responsibilities. Sometimes these rely of Law, sometimes they are expressed as the framework within which the business wants to operate. Business Ethics, in my opinion are the values the people that work in a business need to own in order to stay virtuous and do their job honestly. Many people turn to illegal activities such as insider trading due to temptation or desperation, business ethics is the fine line that could prove to prevent this by ensuring people follow the right work principles and do their jobs with clear consciences. Ethics apply to treatment of customers, behavior in meetings, in the office, consideration of co workers and their families to ensure a trusting environment in which to work.