With the introduction of the MDGs( Millennium development Goals), the United Nations has set forth goals which will serve in solving a lot of global issues. However, one thing to realize is that this project/movement is a very long and arduous process. Global Poverty, the very thing the UN is trying to fix is still a grim reality even after so many years of effort and work. With so many issue to focus on and challenges ahead, even the Un needs all the help it can get. The UN is a very large focused organization with big goals and focuses on big issues. But as with so many other realities, the small details are what make or break these big issues. This is where projects such as the ARC initiative come in. They handle the small issues and provide people in poverty with the basics they need to get their ideas started and give them the tools to make their entrepreneurship goals a reality. These people, in term can then go on to help their fellow people by creating job opportunities and passing the knowledge they learned from ARC. In a way, the way this works is that the UN will work from the external aspect by providing funds and aid to people whereas ARC will help them internally by giving them the knowledge and resources to stand on their own feet and manage their own businesses. This way, the UN will focus on the larger scope of their plans and allocate funds efficiently to areas where they are needed and projects such as ARC will manage the smaller scope work and in the end, both will end up creating better lives for the underprivileged.