In Ayesha’s Blog , she addresses a key factor which is proving to be a threat to a lot of businesses. This factor is eCommerce, the availability of ordering items and even food online from the comfort of one’s own home. As we have learned that consumers prefer convenient access to a product above other things, online shopping is exactly that. She has taken the example of Staples closing down 15 of its stores as a testament to this threat. I like how Ayesha has emphasized that customer relations play an important role in a business and how this has attributed to the decision to close the staple stores. Good Customer relations ensure that the business is up to date about consumer preferences and also can go a long way towards preventing people from turning to online shopping. One smart strategy that staples has employed in the tertiary sector in response to this threat is to learn from this growing popularity and incorporate it into their business by introducing on site pick up at the stores of online orders. This is a clever move which ensures there is as less opportunity cost to online orders as possible by merging that idea into the business instead of competing with it. I am looking forward to how other businesses will face this threat in the near future as well as the potential growth of the eCommerce industry.