Organizational Culture : Zappos

Organizational Culture is a unique concept which we were introduced to in Comm101 this last week. I remember the article we had to read regarding Zappos shoes, an online show selling business. That article intrigues me with how it described how much importance is needed to be given to a consumer. Corporate Culture is, to my understanding, the behavior and values of an organization in treating customers, employees and the community as a whole. Zappos has very distinct culture where they allow unlimited minutes of calls between customers and sales representatives to establish good customer relations, the CEO of the company works amongst his fellow employees without an office; customers get memberships for free, the employees are picked through a tedious process which relies on their personalities and people skills as well as dedication to work etc. All these factors have shown their effectiveness in Zappos huge success and profits till now. In an interview with the CEO Tony Hsieh, he explained that the main dynamic behind Zappos organizational culture were its 10 core values, which encompassed the behavior of all its employees. These values, though simple enough, play a huge part in the business giant’s success. I found this very interesting because organizational behavior was not something I thought was very important first, but after reading this article and seeing its benefits, I must admit that it seems like a very unique concept and needs to be strongly implemented in many other businesses to create value for both employees and customers as a whole.



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