A Great Lesson Learned By Bob Marley

March 24th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

I have had many people throughout my life ranging from friends to family members to strangers who have all inspired me to be the person I am today. However, it is my boyfriend from four years who has really opened up my eyes and shown me to see the world and my life in a different, yet better way.

l have always been a really tense and worrisome person which has caused me to put a lot of pressure and stress on myself. I even tend to worry about simple, insignificant affairs like choosing which meal to have for dinner (almost as if i’m thinking that if I choose the wrong meal then it’s the end of the world!). Why am I like this? I’m not entirely sure, but I know that a part of it has to do with the fact that I am a perfectionist. Having said that, my boyfriend has helped me throughout the years to calm me down and realize that everything doesn’t need to be taken so seriously. I have had some pretty bad moments where I experience high anxiety; however, my boyfriend has been there to tell me that everything is going to be ok and sends me some of Bob Marley’s songs, like “Three Little Birds” to listen to. After listening to some of Bob Marley’s songs, the lyrics really opened up my eyes and taught me to be more relaxed, carefree, and easygoing. His mellow and untroubled lyrics and music always calm me down and make me realize that life shouldn’t be taken too seriously because, after all, everything tends to work out in the end.

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