Application Letter

538 Smithe Street

Vancouver, BC V6B 0A6


September 19, 2021


Technical Writing 301

University of British Columbia

2329 West Mall

Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4


Dear Technical Writing 301 Colleagues,

I would like to apply for a professional writing team member position for the duration of Winter Term 1, as announced on the Technical Writing 301 course website this month. I am a 4th year Bachelor of Computer Science student who will be graduating from University of British Columbia in December 2022.

Pursuing a career in software development, I am currently employed as a web engineer co-op at Article, and will be working there until December 24th. My previous internship was working as an iOS mobile developer at Later for 4 months at the beginning of May 2020. Apart from exploring computer science, I completed a Master of Music at Western University and have worked there as a vocal coach, guiding opera singers for 4 years.

After working as a software engineer and musician, I developed strong communication, teamwork, organization and time management skills. During my current internship, I write technical documentation in a detail-oriented manner, frequently proofreading and self-editing the text to make it as clear and informative as possible for the reader. Although I can reliably complete my assigned tasks on time, I am actively working towards improving the speed at which I finish my assignments.

As a student, the more I learn about a subject, the more curious I am about exploring that topic. My favourite part of learning is being able to apply newly acquired knowledge and skills to my everyday life. Taking Technical Writing 301, I look forward to discovering writing techniques that I can use when working as a student or professional engineer.

Thank you for considering my application. Should I be eligible for the position, please email me at


Samantha Lee

Samantha Lee


301 Samantha Lee Application Letter

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