Unit Three Reflection Blog

When researching for the formal report, I learned the importance of evaluating data for credibility and bias. Survey questions were written in a positive and objective manner to ensure that participants were not led to choose a particular response. Gathering data on Article’s onboarding process, I was surprised by survey results such as employees’ satisfaction with quick response to onboarding questions. This led to a more balanced interpretation of the onboarding process, identifying unexpected strengths and confirming ideas for improvement.

When organizing the report, I focused on presenting ideas in a logical manner to improve readability. Revisions were made to ensure that reports parts were well-narrated and connected. Challenged by the task of creating effective headings and subheadings, I discovered their importance for forecasting paragraph ideas and for providing a clear overview of report topics in the table of contents.

Writing the draft was a good exercise for creating a balanced view on primary research, identifying both strengths and weaknesses of Articles’ onboarding process. Aiming to convince the intended reader, I focused on writing with you-attitude while maintaining a professional, confident and objective tone. Visuals were also designed and integrated into the text to improve comprehension of primary data.

During the peer review process, I learned the importance of effective document design for readability and comprehension. Inspiring strengths of Cathy’s draft include a beautiful title page, clean design, and detailed analysis on MGT480’s placement rate.

Reading Cathy’s report, I was able to identify areas of improvement for my draft. Revisions will be made to include more details on primary methods in the introduction, including names and credentials of interviewed employees. The level of detail will also be increased to suit the intended reader who has software engineering experience.


301 Samantha Lee Formal Report Draft

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