
I am a 4th year BCS student who is studying computer science with the goal of becoming a professional software engineer. My previous job was working as a vocal coach at University of Western Ontario. Having an interest in computer science and music, I hope to develop technology that improves music education and performance.

At UBC, I have been focusing on learning key concepts and technical skills that are used in software development. This includes understanding core programming principles, common software design patterns and the theory behind computer networking. By working on coding assignments, I am learning how to create computer programs using efficient algorithms and various programming languages. Other than studying general software and coding practices, I am also curious about artificial intelligence, taking some psychology and introductory machine learning courses.

Apart from my academic studies at UBC, I hope to acquire as many internship opportunities as possible to gain work experience with different technologies and companies. My first co-op opportunity was working as an iOS developer at Later, creating the dark mode feature for the company’s iPhone app. Through this experience, I developed an interest in mobile development and technical tasks that can improve the user experience of computer applications.

Working as a web engineer intern at Article, I am also interested in creating websites. Some technical skills that I hope to gain during this internship are writing well structured code and effectively using full stack web technologies to improve the customer experience of a website. Working with professional engineers in the tech industry, I hope to gain soft skills such as providing clear communication on tech related topics and delivering constructive feedback to team members in a positive way.

After completing the BCS program, I hope to work as a mobile app developer or full stack web engineer, creating new music technologies such as a diction app for opera singers and automatic page turners for pianists.