Category Archives: Blog

Unit Three Reflection Blog

When researching for the formal report, I learned the importance of evaluating data for credibility and bias. Survey questions were written in a positive and objective manner to ensure that participants were not led to choose a particular response. Gathering data on Article’s onboarding process, I was surprised by survey results such as employees’ satisfaction with quick response to onboarding questions. This led to a more balanced interpretation of the onboarding process, identifying unexpected strengths and confirming ideas for improvement.

When organizing the report, I focused on presenting ideas in a logical manner to improve readability. Revisions were made to ensure that reports parts were well-narrated and connected. Challenged by the task of creating effective headings and subheadings, I discovered their importance for forecasting paragraph ideas and for providing a clear overview of report topics in the table of contents.

Writing the draft was a good exercise for creating a balanced view on primary research, identifying both strengths and weaknesses of Articles’ onboarding process. Aiming to convince the intended reader, I focused on writing with you-attitude while maintaining a professional, confident and objective tone. Visuals were also designed and integrated into the text to improve comprehension of primary data.

During the peer review process, I learned the importance of effective document design for readability and comprehension. Inspiring strengths of Cathy’s draft include a beautiful title page, clean design, and detailed analysis on MGT480’s placement rate.

Reading Cathy’s report, I was able to identify areas of improvement for my draft. Revisions will be made to include more details on primary methods in the introduction, including names and credentials of interviewed employees. The level of detail will also be increased to suit the intended reader who has software engineering experience.


301 Samantha Lee Formal Report Draft

Unit Two Reflection Blog

When researching LinkedIn practices, I discovered the importance of creating a well-composed profile, personalized messages and engaging content for developing professional connections. Completing this assignment, I feel motivated to update my LinkedIn profile with a captivating headline and description that appeals to the tech industry. Applying best LinkedIn practices from my peers’ research will also be beneficial for the job search after graduation.

Writing the report proposal and outline was helpful for determining details such as the problem, intended audience, potential solution and scope. This exercise made the assigned task of writing 12-15 pages of content feel less daunting. One question about creating the formal report is: Should the list of recommendations be included in the data section, the conclusion, or both?

When reviewing the Team Capybara forum, I realized that my reading skills have improved during this technical writing course. Observations were made on details such as document layout, content, writing style, and professional tone. When reading the forum, I was also surprised by the detailed content in documents such as LinkedIn memos and research proposals. Based on this observation, I look forward to improving my writing, adding detailed information to future assignments.

During the peer review process, I learned that the purpose of a peer review is not only to give constructive feedback, but to provide insight on the quality of the reviewed work. The peer review for Yifan’s proposal included information on all document elements, concluding with suggestions for improvement. Revisions were also made to improve the review’s readability using bullet lists and subheadings for addressed elements.

Peer reviewing inspired a more positive view of my writing. After reading fellow classmates’ works, I appreciate my writing strengths while feeling motivated towards improve writing weaknesses.


Peer’s Review:

Revised Formal Report Proposal:

Formal Report Outline:

Unit One Reflection Blog

During the assignment, I gained experience with writing three types of definitions, differentiating their usage and level of detail. Challenged by the task of describing technical terms to non-technical readers, I discovered the importance of writing for the intended purpose and audience. The audience’s needs motivated me to think critically about writing style, revising the definitions for clarity and conciseness.

During the peer review process, I was impressed by Yang Liu’s effective use of expansion techniques to provide a detailed explanation on machine learning. Reviewing Yang’s work was accomplished by critically analyzing the text for details in writing style, content and assignment requirements. Based on specific observations, I learned how to determine overall writing strengths and weaknesses. Writing the peer review was also good practice for delivering constructive feedback in a tactful and positive manner.

Given helpful feedback, I realized that my previous focus on clarity and conciseness led to a simpler expanded definition. During the editing process, revisions were made to provide a more detailed explanation on how a cache works. This includes explaining visuals more clearly and elaborating on the relationship between cache and main memory. Apart from improving content, in-text citations were added for ideas that were paraphrased from outside references.

Key takeaways from this assignment are to focus on the audience and purpose, and to write concisely without compromising content.


Revised Definition:

Peer’s Review:

Email Messages

Date: September 21, 2021
Subject: Technical Writing 301 Team Invitation
Attachment: 301 Samantha Lee Application Letter

Dear Yifan Wang,

I would like to invite you to become a member of my professional writing team. Attached is an application letter with my professional interests and experience.

Based on your application, we are both detail-oriented writers who have a common interest in strong teamwork and technical communication skills. Your openness towards constructive criticism suggests that you would be a positive team member to work with. It is through these professional qualities that I believe we will work well together, providing helpful feedback throughout the semester.

Please contact me with your decision or if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you.


Samantha Lee


Date: September 23, 2021
Subject: Re: Technical Writing 301 Team Invitation
Attachment: 301 Samantha Lee Application Letter

Dear Yang Liu,

I am pleased to accept the invitation to join your professional writing team this semester. Attached is an application letter with my professional interests and experience.

Based on your application, we are both pursuing a second degree in computer science, developing full stack web apps and writing technical documentation. Your experience with many English courses and strong teamwork skills suggest that you will be an excellent team member. Through these professional qualities, I am confident that we will work well together, providing helpful feedback throughout the term.

I look forward to collaborating with you in English 301.


Samantha Lee


Date: September 23, 2021
Subject: Re: Technical Writing 301 Team Invitation
Attachment: 301 Samantha Lee Application Letter

Dear Cathy Liu,

I am pleased to accept the invitation to join your professional writing team this semester. Attached is an application letter with my professional interests and experience.

Based on your application, we are both pursuing a second degree in computer science, aiming to develop technology for our previous trades. Your strong leadership, teamwork and time management skills suggest that you will be an excellent team member. Through these professional qualities, I am confident that we will work well together, providing helpful feedback throughout the term.

I look forward to collaborating with you in English 301.


Samantha Lee



To:                   Dr. Erika Paterson, Technical Writing 301 Instructor

From:              Samantha Lee, Technical Writing 301 Student

Date:               September 19, 2021

Subject:          Submitted Letter of Application


Prior to the due date of September 20th, I have successfully posted my letter of application on my Student Blog. Attached is the letter in word .doc format.


The application letter has the following key points:

  • I am a 4th year computer science student.
  • My work experience includes 2 software engineer internships and a vocal coach job.
  • I have strong communication, teamwork, organization and time management skills.
  • One weak work habit is the speed at which I complete tasks.
  • I am a detail-oriented writer who aims to make my writing clear to the reader.
  • I enjoy being able to apply what I learn from my studies to my everyday life.


Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.


301 Samantha Lee Application Letter

Application Letter

538 Smithe Street

Vancouver, BC V6B 0A6


September 19, 2021


Technical Writing 301

University of British Columbia

2329 West Mall

Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4


Dear Technical Writing 301 Colleagues,

I would like to apply for a professional writing team member position for the duration of Winter Term 1, as announced on the Technical Writing 301 course website this month. I am a 4th year Bachelor of Computer Science student who will be graduating from University of British Columbia in December 2022.

Pursuing a career in software development, I am currently employed as a web engineer co-op at Article, and will be working there until December 24th. My previous internship was working as an iOS mobile developer at Later for 4 months at the beginning of May 2020. Apart from exploring computer science, I completed a Master of Music at Western University and have worked there as a vocal coach, guiding opera singers for 4 years.

After working as a software engineer and musician, I developed strong communication, teamwork, organization and time management skills. During my current internship, I write technical documentation in a detail-oriented manner, frequently proofreading and self-editing the text to make it as clear and informative as possible for the reader. Although I can reliably complete my assigned tasks on time, I am actively working towards improving the speed at which I finish my assignments.

As a student, the more I learn about a subject, the more curious I am about exploring that topic. My favourite part of learning is being able to apply newly acquired knowledge and skills to my everyday life. Taking Technical Writing 301, I look forward to discovering writing techniques that I can use when working as a student or professional engineer.

Thank you for considering my application. Should I be eligible for the position, please email me at


Samantha Lee

Samantha Lee


301 Samantha Lee Application Letter