Reflection of Three Definitions

In learning about three different types of technical writing of definitions required in a variety of settings to facilitate the understanding of the non-technical in a technical circumstance. I was unaware of what a parenthetical definition is but enjoyed the ease of using parenthesis to simply describe a technical word and its effectiveness. A sentence definition was exactly as I thought it would be by using more words but still concisely summarizing a word/term. The expanded definition was clearly described in the textbook, technical Communication, 15th  Edition by John M. Lannon; Laura J. Gurak. I thought the textbook describing how to lay out each expansion technique and bring them together harmoniously made this portion of the assignment manageable.

The peer-review process layout was easy to follow with a guide but was a new process of formatting for me. I figure now that I have laid out my format loosely from an example or additional required suggestions it will make this process easier in the future and more consistent. I know giving my classmates proper feedback is necessary to advance their writing and learning but I feel bad for pointing things out to fix.

The self-editing process based on my classmate’s feedback was beneficial to advance my definition writing, mainly my expansion. I am happy that the feedback I received from my classmate was in line with what I anticipated after reading my team’s definitions.

Samantha’s Revised Definition


Peer Review of Samantha’s Definitions


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