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Revised Definition Assignment and Peer Review

There are three different types of definitions standard within technical writing practice. These three definitions are:

  1. Parenthetical definition
  2. Sentence definition
  3. Expanded definition

Learning about three different types of technical writing of definitions is required in various settings to understand specialized terminology in a technological circumstance. I was unaware of what a parenthetical definition was but enjoyed the ease of using parenthesis to simply describe a technical word and its effectiveness.

A sentence definition is what I thought it would be, using more words but still concisely summarizing the specialized terminology. 

The expanded definition was described in the textbook Technical Communication, 15th Edition by John M. Lannon; Laura J. Gurak. I thought the textbook explained how to lay out each expansion technique and harmonize them together, making this portion of the assignment easier.

Below is a link to my sample of three technical definitions to explain Xerostomia. Click the link below to learn more.

Samantha’s Revised Definition

Review Process

The peer-review process layout was easy to follow with a guide but was a new formatting process for me. Now that I have laid out my format loosely from an example and additional suggestions, it will make this process manageable in the future and consistent.

I know giving my classmates proper feedback is necessary to advance their writing and learning, but I feel bad for pointing things out to fix.

The self-editing process based on my classmate’s feedback was beneficial to advancing my definition writing, mainly my expansion. After reading my team’s definitions, I am happy that the feedback I received from my classmate was in line with what I anticipated. Below is my peer review feedback to my classmate.

Peer Review of Samantha’s Definitions

Revised Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report

with Surveys

Linked below is the link to my revised formal report.

Memo for LinkedIn 10 Best Practices


To:           Kristy’s Group

From:      Samantha Teeple, Student <>

Date:        July 5, 2022

Subject:    Ten Best Practices for using LinkedIn as a Professional Networking Site

Networking is a necessary form of interaction with others to obtain contacts in a professional job search.6Networking can be done through the use of social media sites such as LinkedIn or in person. In today’s technological world LinkedIn has become a vastly popular mechanism for enhancing networking amongst professionals. After compiling researched data, the ten best practices for using LinkedIn as a professional networking site are as follows:

  1. Do build up your online profile/resume prior to requesting people to connect with you.7
  2. Include a professional headshot photo as profiles with this type of photo are viewed and interacted with most often.2
  3. Engage networking potential by having a clearly written headline that states your specialty.1
  4. Grow your network by searching for connections and sending out compelling messages that highlight why you want to connect with that individual or company and what you offer.4
  5. Create “search alerts” selected network criteria emailed weekly by LinkedIn to find curated networking opportunities.4
  6. Join groups and contribute to conversations to expand your networking.1
  7. Make use of job boards and chat with contacts who may be offering a job of interest.
  8. Choose to connect with quality people within and outside of your field versus a quantity of people.2
  9. Select a professional appearance to your LinkedIn profile including all community and networking interactions being thoughtfully planned and checked for grammatical errors.7
  10. Update your profile regularly and keep active on the site to show your participation in the networking community.3

With the ten best practices as a guide to using LinkedIn as a professional networking site job seekers can expand their individual networks and have increased job opportunities.5

Thank you for reading, I hope this increases your networking skills and community.


  1. Balkhi, Syed. “TIPS for Successful Networking on Linkedin.”com,
  2. Become Team. “How to Use LinkedIn for Professional Development & Networking.”org, 17 Nov. 2020,
  3. Davis, Joanna, et al. “Networking via Linkedin: An Examination of Usage and Career Benefits.”Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 118, Apr. 2020, p. 103396.,
  4. Elad, Joel. “LinkedIn for Dummies, 6th Edition.”O’Reilly Online Learning, For Dummies,
  5. LinkedIn Onesheets-Network-Final.—How-to-Network-for-Students.pdf.
  6. “Networking Definition & Meaning.”Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster,
  7. Panel, Expert. “Council Post: How to Make the Best Use of Linkedin and Virtual Networking Opportunities.”Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 19 Feb. 2021,

Revised Memo to Evan Crisp


To:         Evan Crisp

From:    Samantha Teeple, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC

Date:     July 14. 2022

Subject: Writing Effective E-Mail Messages

Here’s the advice you requested on writing an effective e-mail message. These guidelines will result in compelling e-mail messages.

Advice for writing effective e-mail messages

Writers of compelling e-mail messages follow these tips:

  • Using a subject line to inform audience of intent
  • Addressing email recipients formally
  • Formatting messages with short, concise sentence structure
  • Editing out typos, grammatical errors, and wordy sentences
  • Providing necessary details in messages
  • Discuss why the recipient should be compelled
  • Ending with a professional sign off

Compelling emails are necessary for obtaining desired results. Following these tips will promote effective communication in the form of e-mail messages. If you have any questions, please contact me at 123 or email me at

Revised Complaint Letter and Response

July 18, 2022

Customer Support Services

Telus Mobility Client Care

25 York Street, 25th Floor

Toronto, Ontario M5J 2V5

Attention: Director, Customer Experience

Dear Director of Customer Experience,

Telus Mobility is a leader in the cellular world and standout in exceptional data range and connectivity in the most remote places. This is the reason I have been a client for 14 years and recommend Telus to my friends and family who frequently drop calls with other providers.

However, my last bill seems to have charged the new rate of United States roaming being $15/day versus the rate I locked in last year of $9/day. Over my two-week period in the United States, I was charged an excess of $84.00.

This extra charge has made me worry after my return from the United States and spend the time to revisit my initial contract with Telus. I would like the excess of $84.00 to be credited to my Telus mobility account to be used towards my next billing period.

I appreciate this matter being resolved swiftly for both of our convivence.


Samantha Teeple

Customer of 14 years


Customer Support Services       Telus Mobility Client Care       25 York Street, 25th Floor       Toronto, Ontario M5J 2V5


July 25, 2022


Samantha Teeple

Loyal Customer

222 Calgary Way

Calgary, Alberta

S1A 2M3

Dear Ms. Teeple,

Thank you for being a loyal customer and part of the Telus family for over a decade. Our company aims for fantastic customer service and prioritizing our customer’s concerns.

We understand travelling is stressful and offer plans that make roaming accessible and affordable to our patrons. Last year we did offer a promotion for $9 roaming charges within the United States which was not locked in at the promo time.

We would happily offer you the current rate of $15/day roaming for a three-year fixed term as the $9 plan is being phased out. We wish to offer you the convenience of travel for our current low price for years to come.

Please let us know if this is an addition you would like to make to your account starting immediately and lasting for the three-year term, and it will only be charged when roaming is activated.


Director Jim of Customer Services

Telus Mobility

Revised Peer Review of Formal Report

To: Kristy Vyfschaft, ENGL 301 Student

Form: Samantha Teeple EGL 301 Peer Reviewer

Date: June 27, 2022

Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft

Thank you for your formal report draft about the feasibility of mental health wellness program in a dental practice in Richmond hill, Ontario.

First Impressions

  • Well-planned and organized
  • Great use of visuals and white space to draw the reader’s focus
  • Content well thought out and good use of data sources

Table of Contents, List of Tables and Figures

  • Well laid out and easy to read
  • Page numbering matches pages listed
  • Appropriate placement of figures and tables list


  • Good use of bolding
  • Great labelling
  • Title of picture-lacks source
  • Refer to chapter 12 in the text-introduce visuals within the text by referring to them, such as see (Figure 1)
  • Include data source under visual
  • For your own visuals, cite the source of data used to create the visuals see pg276 in chapter 12 of the textbook.


  • Precisely followed your outline for your formal report
  • By breaking down the information into subsections, the material is easier for your audience to digest and access data at a glance
  • Includes recommended data into the introduction as outlined on page 500 of the text, which includes limitations to the study and a brief conclusion of the inquiry


  • Parenthetical references in text should follow MLA style by listing only the first author and then writing (et al.) to indicate the other authors, see page 632 of the text
  • If applicable, a page number should be included in the parenthetical reference
  • Fantastic section headings and titles with great use of white space
  • Topics and sub-topics are well described and fit the theme of the topic
  • Interpretation of each section would highlight and add consciences for easy audience reference and summarize each section
  • Good subordination of personal bias


  • Well laid out and all necessary elements included
  • Nicely summarizes the body of the report
  • Includes only the pertinent information

Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling:

  • Check sentences to ensure fluidity and proper punctuation
  • Spelling looks great

Final Remarks

  • Using et al. when referencing articles with multiple authors
  • Include in-text references to figures to prime the audience
  • See textbook pg. 276 on how to cite the source of data for figures
  • Double check sentences for fluidity and proper punctuation

Please contact me with any further questions, and with the addition of these recommendations, you will do well with your feasibility report.


Samantha Teeple


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