LinkedIn, Formal Report Process and Peer Review Process Reflection

LinkedIn Reflection

Job opportunities and career searching best practices have always included networking as an ideal way to explore new positions. In the past, networking on a larger scale would consist of events for job seekers to meet with workplaces or people from similar fields of work. On a smaller scale, networking encouraged chatting with people and having business meetings.

LinkedIn is a professional online digital e-networking platform that connects people in various fields to one another to engage, collaborate and expand options for work, volunteering and more. Click the logo for linkedIn to see thee memo I wrote on the 10 best practices for LinkedIn.

10 Best Practices for LinkedIn

In our digital and global age, having the ability to connect with individuals in areas around the world ensures networking with the ideal people for the position, collaboration and community engagement. If you would like to join LinkedIn and start your online professional network click the LinkedIn banner on the right.

Researching LinkedIn and creating an online profile illuminated the benefits of a social media platform as a means of job recruitment and proliferation of opportunities as opposed to traditional means. This is not something I have ever considered being a dental hygienist where hiring practices are very straightforward; however, with the completion of my degree, a more extensive network could increase my opportunities outside of the clinical role.

Formal Report Process

Creating a formal report can be viewed in my previous post by clicking the report photo below, which discusses the elements of the report creation process and offers a link to a UBC writing help page for students.  

A writing proposal identifies:

  • Investigation of research topic, establishing the purpose of the report
  • Legitimacy and significance of the report based on available secondary data
  • Selecting questions the report aims to answer
  • Research potential solutions to the topic being researched
  • Identify the audience of the report

A writing outline depicts:

1.) Introduction

I. Your main headings to introduce the purpose, audience and topics of the report.

2.) Body

I. Each heading on the main topics of the report.

a) Sub-headings included expanding on major report topics.

b) Qualitative analysis and unbiased presentation of data.

3.) Conclusion

I. Summery of collected data.

II. Recommendations based on data sources and feasibility.

Preparing my formal report proposal and outline seemed daunting despite excellent instruction. I was happy that everything was broken down into manageable segments, which made the overall process straightforward.

Brainstorming ideas for the report was the most challenging part and required me to think of everyday problems to address for necessary change. I feel more comfortable now with my progress report and enjoy the systematic approach to its creation.

I am now seeing how everything within the formal report, the outline and progress report, will come together with our created primary data sources to make a report. After reading my partner’s feedback for my progress report, I feel that if I paid closer attention to the directions, I wouldn’t forget to include individual headlines and think I incorporated things within the document.

Peer Review Process Reflection

Through completing and reviewing my team’s work, I have learned that my grammar skills are decent and that some of my wording could be more professional in tone. I am so impressed with my teammate’s writing and professional style that it pushes me to expand my writing style and aim for the same calibre of work they produce. I love that I have the opportunity to learn from amazing teammates!

Below you will find two links, link 1, my example of a formal report proposal and link 2, the peer review I completed of my classmates proposal.



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