Web Folio Homepage for Samantha Teeple RDH

Welcome to my web folio! I am Samantha Teeple a registered dental hygienist (RDH) pursuing my bachelor of dental science degree (BDSc) completion in dental hygiene.

              About Me!

My web folio is a collection of my educational background and goals, work history, volunteering initiatives, and best work display.

                    Application Package




For ease of navigation, the menu on the left displays sections of my web folio clickable from any page or post you may be browsing.


My homepage contains photos with quick links for navigation which can be accessed by clicking on the pictures to direct you to different sections of my web folio.

I am a passionate dental hygienist seeking new learning opportunities to advance my skills and increase the depth of professional dental hygiene knowledge.

                  Best Works

My goal is to complete my BDSc degree at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and apply for a master’s program to contribute to the advancing the dental hygiene body of knowledge.

Please feel free to browse my web folio and check out my blog, where I reflect on my learning, growth and weaknesses throughout my Technical Writing course.

        Reflection Blog

As with all learning, the skills I obtained in this writing course are technical and specific but also lend themselves to best dental hygiene practices. Most noticeably is the need for structure and adherence to systematic protocols for producing optimal work.

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