Web Folio Creation Reflection

Reflecting on the creation of my web folio incorporates tumultuous feelings.

This project was the second largest project this semester alongside the creation of a formal report. I expected the web folio to be the refinement of all the previous work completed during the course time period.

The big feelings come from the cumulation of the summer semester and a finale for Technical Writing 301, as well as the desire to go beyond expectations and produce a phenomenal interactive web folio.

The content of a web folio and blog is important but the theme of the website, blog, or web folio changes the entire mood of readers. Having the technical aspects of photos in the position you want with centred descriptions and links working properly or stopping working all together was challenging.

I feel that guidance throughout the course in the form of  constructive feedback was helpful in producing refined content within the web folio.

Another summer program had a final project as a teaching web folio the course was called Teaching Adults. Using this web folio as my first trial I learned techniques to help go beyond basics to compel my readers to interact with and easily navigate my web folio this time.

I appreciate the amount of time and effort that each person takes in producing content that represents a big piece of who they are.

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