Task 5: Twine task

Download the HTML package of my Twine story entitled A Changing Landscape


For the task 5 Twine assignment, I decided to take a similar approach as I do producing a video. Establish a starting point that includes an engaging premise and formulate a rough outcome (it can always change in the creative process, but it is a good idea to have some sense of direction). The inter-connection of the threads within the story was the most challenging component. Instead of having all the threads lead in their own directions, I decided to have one potentially back-track and the others follow a similar path. I took some inspiration from the example provided, mainly related to humour, and sought to include some commentary on the world we live in today.

With a focus on consistency, I perused the internet for some Creative Commons imagery that could help lead and engage the reader through the story. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, I was unable to get the coding of the music bed to autoplay. Instead I have left a player at the bottom of the introduction slide. The audio ceases to play after the user selects their first option.

This task is an interesting way to better understand the concepts of hypertext, and the manner in which writing and reading is evolving (or devolving depending on your perspective). In the context of Twine, linking is extending the content in a manner chosen by the reader whereas Bolter talked about hypertext as an “electronic equivalent of the footnote” (Bolter, 2001, p.27).

Having a story unfold as it does through Twine aligns with Englebart’s assessment of how a writer approaches prose text. “The process of writing is utilized as a sub-process within many different processes of a still higher order, such as organizing a committee, changing a policy, and so on” (Englebart, 1963). Structuring a story within Twine requires the content to be organized in such a way that complements the programming options available.




Bolter, Jay David. (2001). Writing space: computers, hypertext, and the remediation of print. New York, NY: Routledge.

Englebart, Douglas. (1963). “A conceptual framework for the augmentation of man’s intellect.” In Hawerton, P.W. and Weeks, D.C. (Eds.), Vistas in information handling, Volume I: The augmentation of man’s intellect by machine. Washington, DC: Spartan Books. Available (as “Augmentation of human intellect: A conceptual framework”)


Images & Audio links

All images and music are Creative Commons, and do not require attribution. These links are not to be considered citations but merely for informational purposes and as a courtesy only.


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