Task 7 Mode-bending

Transcription of audio submission

00:00:02:11 – 00:00:40:18

Many years ago when I was first drawn to the world of radio. What drew me was the way visuals could be built upon using words and sound. The crack of a bat. The announcer is authoritative voice, that sort of thing. Similarly, the new London Group describes pedagogy as a teaching and learning relationship that creates the potential for building learning conditions leading to participation They expound on that by focusing on the value of different texts, enabling understanding based on contexts related to culture and globalized societies.

00:00:41:17 – 00:01:14:16

And they reference several designs, including linguistic, visual, audio, gestural, spatial, and multimodal. Understanding the mental language of these designs is required by students to be successful. For this task, no seven will look back at what’s in my bag task. We unzipped the black Amazon backpack to discover the camera lenses as accessories and a computer. The inside of the bag is orange.

00:01:14:16 – 00:01:41:10

The outside is black. The items tell the story of technology her story of discovery, and a story of seeing the world from the other side of a lens. Telling this story with words sound effects and only audio allows you, the listener, to use your experience and context to conjure your own image. Of what’s in my back.

00:01:44:00 – 00:02:07:05

This task asks about the benefits and challenges of engaging in mood, changing using audio instead of the written word. Readers forced the listener to focus in on what you’re trying to say with these words or sound effects and not necessarily read between the lines. But with that said, the listener is conjuring an image of what you’re referring to while you speak.

00:02:07:11 – 00:02:35:21

Do they know what a backpack is? Do they know what a camera or lenses? Those are things that may be with an image or written with a little more voluminous text. Could allow someone to conjure up more clear image of what one is referring to. Cameras come in a lot of shapes and sizes in different contexts. If you haven’t seen a camera with interchangeable lenses, you wouldn’t be able to necessarily picture what I was describing in what’s in my bag.

00:02:35:25 – 00:02:55:01

The same thing with a computer. There will be some people who may have only ever seen a desktop or laptop, that sort of thing. I really like the idea of using Multimodal because it allows the instructor in this case, in a pedagogical sense, to provide the learner with the more tools to be able to draw their own conclusions and understanding.

00:02:55:07 – 00:03:02:28

But it is so important for a learner to actually have a tangible sense of what’s going on, even if it’s them creating it in their minds.


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