Monthly Archives: October 2014

Tribal Park vs. New Billion Dollar Mining Project

The newly declared tribal park region near Williams Lake has caused disputes between the First Nations government and the Taseko mine company on the upcoming plans for billion dollar mining project. It is present in my mind that the preservation of the richly inhabited land of the park should be of greater importance to the provincial and federal government. Although the mining project can bring in great economic prosperity for the region, it will also have its side effects on the environment and the ecosystem.

10192767     The cultural rituals for the preservation of their lands prevent Taseko, from successfully claiming rights to begin the project. These cultural trends have had an effect on the companies initial business plans. Without the Tsilhqot’in people standing up for the rights to the ownership of their lands, environmental damage at this tribal park will be used as a precedent in future cases. This would allow other industry giants to enact other claims for lands that could deteriorate the beautiful land, which we have come to cherish.

Work Cited:

PYNN, LARRY. “Tsilhqot’in Set to Declare Site of New Prosperity Mine a Tribal Park.”                    Vancouver Sun, 11 Sept. 2014. Web. 05 Oct. 2014.

Fifa to introduce ban on third-party ownership of players

With the new proposal by Fifa to ban the third-party ownership (TPO), teams are starting to plan ahead for the change that will occur without this regulation. The TPO was an influential tactic used by football clubs all around the world in the past decades. As the prices for buying players went through the roof, the owners of these teams had to resort to wealthy investors outside their respected organizations to provide them with the necessary funds to make joint agreements for players. Without the TPO clubs would not be able to purchase many of the players that they own right now due to a lack of financial support. fifa I tend to strongly agree with the decision strike down the TPO’s of players, as it will result in a more evenly structured league causing a rise in the competition. With this teams will have a more balanced set of players, distributing the skilled and talented, hence expensive players throughout the clubs.  In overall this process will be beneficial to Fifa, although there will be many controversies along the 3 to 4 year span for this ban to become in full effect.   This will cause players to become fully motivated to the team that they play for. Hopefully resulting in more dedication and loyalty to both the organization and the teammates, which they train and play for over the spam of their contracts.

Work Cited:

Conway, Richard. “Fifa to Ban Third-party Ownership.” BBC Sport. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2014.

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Iconic upscale men’s wear store to close in Toronto

It has finally been reported that Stollerys men’s store in the heart of Toronto’s shopping district is closing down. The monumental 114-year-old building is now ready to become the home of a new company. With the new market rise in men’s wear, the increasing demand for these goods has caused companies in competition to battle each other for customers. As profits rise, it causes producers to increase their supply and invest more money into the marketing of the exponentially growing men’s wear department.

ralph-lauren-lacoste-polo-shirt            The huge powerful corporations such as Harry Rosen, Ralph Lauren, Marc Jacobs, Lacoste and other have began to narrow down the competition in the industry by attracting the customers and closing down the relatively smaller stores such as Stollerys. With a new way of broadcasting their products these well-known names have popularized the use of their online websites for the use of purchasing products. Such advancements in sales are contributing to increasing profits for the big name brands.

This lasting effect has caused smaller companies to become more innovative in their approaches in order to survive, by marketing and planning the future of their companies. I myself used to live in Toronto 5 years ago, and the growth in the men’s wear market from then to now is beyond what I could have imagined.

Work Cited:

Strauss, Marina. “Iconic Upscale Men’s Wear Store to Close in Toronto.”The Globe and Mail. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2014.