With the new proposal by Fifa to ban the third-party ownership (TPO), teams are starting to plan ahead for the change that will occur without this regulation. The TPO was an influential tactic used by football clubs all around the world in the past decades. As the prices for buying players went through the roof, the owners of these teams had to resort to wealthy investors outside their respected organizations to provide them with the necessary funds to make joint agreements for players. Without the TPO clubs would not be able to purchase many of the players that they own right now due to a lack of financial support. I tend to strongly agree with the decision strike down the TPO’s of players, as it will result in a more evenly structured league causing a rise in the competition. With this teams will have a more balanced set of players, distributing the skilled and talented, hence expensive players throughout the clubs. In overall this process will be beneficial to Fifa, although there will be many controversies along the 3 to 4 year span for this ban to become in full effect. This will cause players to become fully motivated to the team that they play for. Hopefully resulting in more dedication and loyalty to both the organization and the teammates, which they train and play for over the spam of their contracts.
Work Cited:
Conway, Richard. “Fifa to Ban Third-party Ownership.” BBC Sport. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2014.
Image Link: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ieb0hN4k4M0/TcnMu-JWIOI/AAAAAAAAAe8/HVOD0P4jFMg/s1600/FIFA_Logo.png