The Typical Fraternity…

Michael D’Alimonte’s post, “A bunch of frat bros are trying to start a new movement on Instagram“, published on August 11th, 2014, intrigued my interest as a very controversial topic.

In this article, Michael identifies the numerous members of different fraternities around Montreal that have used social media to express the true importance that their individual fraternities have on them in their lives.

Greek Village-UBC

Greek Village-UBC

Weather in Montreal or even here at UBC, fraternities have been stereotyped with the same “douchey frat guys” look. As a current member in a Fraternity at UBC, I can personally relate to the message that Michael is trying to portray in his blog. The modern day fraternity has changed miraculously from what most people perceive it as.

My fraternity has given me a certain responsibility which I hold upon myself, alongside the permanent bonds that I have created through this process have given me and will continue to give me better characteristics and skills through life. The connections and social network that I have developed around me has made me a more interactive person, and resulted in my increased involvement in the community.

Although fraternities still “party hard”, they should be recognized as prestigious organizations that have members that take pride in being gentlemen that achieve great accomplishments both individually and as a group.

This is something that should not be taken away from us.



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