the massooleh commblog

another pretentious rambling first year business student

RE: One New Snapchat Notification

Thomas Campbell recently offered his views on a recent article in the Wall Street Journal about SnapChat’s peculiar decision to reject Facebook’s $3 Billion acquisition deal, pointing out that the company has no real revenue stream at all. It’s important to look at the acquisition from Facebook’s perspective, and try to understand why they would offer […]

The Magical DDB Visit: Part 2 I recently had the pleasure of attending a workshop by Lance Saunders, the Executive VP Marketing Director for DDB Canada, during a recent office tour offered to Sauder students. He started off the workshop with an intimidating statement, claiming that the advertising industry had changed more in the past 7 years than it had in the past […]

The Magical DDB Visit: Part 1 I recently had the pleasure of attending a workshop by Lance Saunders, the Executive VP Marketing Director for DDB Canada, during a recent office tour offered to Sauder students. During the workshop, he outlined what he believed to be the key differentiators between successful brands, and unsuccessful ones. He argued that successful campaigns understand […]

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