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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

In-flight wifi!

After reading my classmate Bayne Vardy’s post, about airlines implementing in-flight wifi, my first thought was: I want to go on this airline for my next vacation. In his blog post, Bayne mentions how United Airlines and Continental Airlines is offering in-flight wifi for customers mid 2012 and how this innovative idea allows these two […]

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Following Emma Thompson’s blog about Target creating stores in Canada, I have to agree with her blog post. Take a look around a local mall– how many stores belong to U.S. companies? Majority of the well-known stores like Wal-Mart, Forever 21, Starbucks, and Mc Donalds, they are all American stores. Recently, Target just bought out Zellers, […]

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After learning about social enterprises in class a few days ago, I curiously searched for more information on the topic online. Luckily, I came across this blog, which focuses solely on spreading the word about how social entrepreneurship can positively impact the world. John blogged about an interesting social enterprise: Cards from Africa. Cards from […]

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  “Many of our customers leave home without a wallet, but almost never leave home without their phone,” said Adam Brotman, senior vice-president of digital ventures at Starbucks. Recently, Starbucks announced that they were incorporating a new, innovative way for consumers to purchase their drinks: using smart phones to pay. According to Adam Brotman, customers […]

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According to QuickMBA, the definition of entrepreneurship in a business context is “to start a business”. Now, under what guidelines can one be considered an entrepreneur? Essentially, anyone who decides to start up and manage a business is under the classifications of an entrepreneur. After reading the definition of an entrepreneur online, the first entrepreneur that […]

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Are you familiar with the sleepy, groggy feeling after eating lunch and then having to dive back into work? The MetroNap Energy Pod can be the solution to your problem. Google is now equipped with a new sleeping pod for their employees, known as the MetroNap Energy Pod. The device works by simulating the feeling […]

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Importance of Brand

When we see a Gucci logo, or a Lamborghini on the streets, the words “expensive, exclusive, and luxurious” pops into our minds. Despite their expensive prices, how do those companies still manage to make profits and last decades? These companies have established a good brand name, one that is recognized universally and has high consumer demands. Who […]

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Take a look around the UBC campus. How many girls (and sometimes guys) are wearing Toms? Numerous. So why are people choosing to wear this certain type of light weight canvas footwear? The answer is simple: it’s stylish, comfortable, and charitable. Toms shoes , founded by Blake Mycoskie, is a for-profit organization with the principle […]

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  Recently, Bank of America, U.S.’s largest bank by deposits, announced that they will implement a new $5 fee for debit card users in 2012. The 5 dollar monthly charge targets the bank’s debit card users for using their cards to make purchases, but the debit card holders are still able to get free cash […]

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  Apple Inc., the ‘Nike of Consumer Electronics’, has grown to be one of the highly successful companies in world. With annual sales of $65.23 billion, surely they can afford to provide a safe and comfortable work place for their employees right? Quite the contrary. In fact, last year there were media reports of Apple […]

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