Research Shows Rich Getting Richer Makes Poor Poorer

In 1980 the richest 10% Americans received 33% of the national income. Today in 2011, the same 10% takes up 46% of national income.  Some studies find that the larger the return that rich people or investors are able to take home, the more they will invest, leading to greater economic growth. But actually this is not correct all the time. Problems regarding inequality are worsened. Wealth flows into the pockets of those that are rich as the rest of people struggle desperately to stay above water. It is not an ideal thing for the majority of the wealth to be concentrated in the hands of a very small portion of the population but this is exactly what happens when we allow economic power to be monopolized by a small number of powerful global banks, corporations and governments. Those at the top of the economy will continue to enjoy our wealth as it flows up to them, and the rest of us at the bottom will continue to have to scramble just to survive.

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