Apple co-founder Steve Jobs dies at 56

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who revolutionized technology through his design, marketing and creation of personal computers and mobile devices, has died at 56. The man who forged Apple into a powerhouse and shaped how people listen to music and how they use computers died peacefully surrounded by his family. Noticeably fragile, he had stepped down from Apple in late August to deal with the effects of an unspecified illness. Jobs had been treated earlier for pancreatic cancer after first being diagnosed in 2004.
What is apple going to do without Steve Jobs? Can it operate normally?

There is already a sharp drop in Apple’s shares. His death will lead to the loss of future customers. Customers might choose other brands since Jobs had passed away and they might lost confidence in Apple’s products as Jobs was the initiator.

1 thought on “Apple co-founder Steve Jobs dies at 56

  1. Apple’s stock will drop simply because people believed in Steve and now he’s gone. It’s up to Tim Cook to prove to everyone that he shares the innovative mind and strong entrepreneurship abilities of Steve Jobs to keep this company together. I’ll be sure to keep a close eye on how Apple develops… nice article!

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