Why are presentation skills so important?

In class we discussed some presentation skills that are useful to us. Some incorrect presentation skills are reading off cards; poorly constructed slides and having no eye contact with audiences. Some other examples I would think of are wasting time, boring your audience, insulting your audience, using slides that are boring, irrelevant, or confusing, confusing your audience, lacking passion and so forth. While we are presenting we should keep an eye contact with the audience and move around the stage, speak slowly and precisely, be visual, test your presentation on other people beforehand, engage the audience and so forth. Ways to improve your presentation skills are structuring your presentation, practising but not memorizing and also rehearsing. Effective presentation skills are important. They are important to individual success, business success, stress reduction, time management, leadership and public image and opinion. Every leader needs to have the ability to stand up and deliver a clear and inspiring message. Business leaders are often expected to present their message with confidence and clarity to investors, partners, clients, staff and sometimes the public. Better presentations don’t guarantee you success but they give you a better fighting chance of success.

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