80 percent of U.S. business are overcharged on their phone bills while telecom compaines reap profits from ”accidental” billing errors

80 percent of U.S. businesses are overcharged on their phone bills while telecom companies reap profits from “accidental” billing errors. According to the article I read, telecoms have overcharged their clients for something truly unnecessary. For example, if a client may be paying a bill with an extra $5 charge, most will just assume it’s a surcharge and pay the bill without thinking about it. However, the reality is that the charge could have come from a feature used by anyone within the customer’s area, or data could have been actually entered into the billing system mistakenly. Telecoms simply let mistakes go and continue, and wait for clients to come back and ask for a refund for that money. However, there are still other customers giving them ‘free money’. Telecom companies are not being honest with their clients.


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