Monthly Archives: October 2015

Lockheed Martin Dominates US Defense Industry


Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin Corporation, one of the biggest suppliers of military aircraft, naval ships, and satellites to the US government has recently purchased Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation – a company that manufactures Black Hawk helicopters for the US military. With this new acquisition, Lockheed Martin is taking on the responsibility to provide military helicopters for the Pentagon. The US Department of Defense (DoD), however, is frowning upon this enormous merger (reportedly worth $9 billion). Lockheed Martin is already leading the F-35 aircraft research and development efforts for the US military and now that they have merged with Sikorsky, the US DoD is worried the merger will, “lead to too much consolidation within the defense industry” – with Sikorsky, there are concerns Lockheed Martin can now “out muscle” the US military’s other prime contractors. In response to the US DoD, Lockheed Martin acknowledged the importance of maintaining a balance between an efficient and competitive industrial base, but they later disagreed how larger defense companies “reduce competition and inhibit innovation”. With this new merger, Lockheed Martin projects an increase of $7.5 billion in sales to to its already $45 billion (fiscal year 2014) in revenue, and that the Sikorsky acquisition will reward its shareholders with higher dividend returns – helping them better maintain their customer base and keep shareholders happy. Lockheed Martin already enjoys a dominant role within the US defense industry; with the Sikorsky acquisition, that position will only be even further solidified.


  1. Radelat, Ana. Pentagon slams Lockheed’s bid to purchase Sikorsky. N.p.: The CT Mirror, 2015. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.
  1. Stone, Mike, and Andrea Shalal. Exclusive: Lockheed Martin mulls merger of some services units with peer – sources. N.p.: Channel News Asia, 2015. Web. 2 Oct. 2015
  1. Surran, Carl. DoD warns against mergers following Lockheed-Sikorsky deal. N.p.: Seeking Alpha, 2015. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.
  1. Vallo, Michael. Lockheed Lands Sikorsky, Hikes Payout. N.p.: Barron’s, 2015. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.

Volkswagen To Be Trusted?



One of the leading automobile companies in the world, Volkswagen AG, has been lying and manipulating research data in efforts to promote their diesel vehicles as being “eco-friendly”. Not only is this unethical and unlawful, but it may also be criminal. Matthias Mueller, the Company’s new Chief Executive Officer (replacing Martin Winterkorn), says that the, “people who allowed this to happen… acted criminally” and that the Company is working on creating “a new business culture”. In response to this shocking revelation, Volkswagen is recalling 11 million diesel vehicles to be refitted with legal diesel emission software. Volkswagen is estimating the recall to cost $8.7 billion of the $9.6 billion they have set aside specifically for resolving this matter – a devastating impact to the Company and to their position in the global automobile market. Reverting to the Business Canvas Model that was introduced in class, it would appear that Volkswagen was too aggressive in promoting their Value Propositions – they tried to gain a competitive edge in the market by falsifying data that customers, shareholders and other stakeholders were using to invest in their automobiles or their business. Although Volkswagen is recalling the faulty cars and appears to be taking a step in the right direction, it is going to take months if not years for the Company to regain its credibility.



  1. Cremer, Andreas. VW braces for hit to business from emissions scandal. Berlin: The Globe and Mail, 2015. Web. 1 Oct. 2015. <>.


  1. Noguchi, Yuki. Volkswagen Owners Wonder Where A Fix Will Leave Them. N.p.:, 2015. Web. 1 Oct. 2015. <>.


  1. Reuters, Thomas. Volkswagen to recall 11 million vehicles as emissions scandal expands. N.p.: CBC News, 2015. Web. 1 Oct. 2015. <>.