Commentary on Adrienne Ellis’ Blog

Adrienne Blog

Adrienne discusses in one of her blogs the unethical standards that some businesses (specifically Massey Energy’s Mine) promote with the aim to earn higher profits. Massey’s Energy Mine experienced a devastating explosion in one of their West Virginia mines that left 30 minors dead. When Massey Energy’s Mine finally went under investigation, it was determined that the company was violating work place safety hazards for its workers in the mine. As a result, the company’s CEO, Donald Blankenship, is now facing criminal charges.

I agree with Adrienne that it is the corrupt leaders of these labour companies who decide to disregard government regulations because they want to produce at a cheaper cost. It is obviously a problem considering the fact that workplace fatalities have been diminishing over the last 50 years. The fact that these company leaders put profits before human safety is definitely a question of ethics and morality. Yet it is only when fatal incidents occur that these rule-breakers are found and disciplined for deaths that could have been avoided.

Although there are definitely moral company leaders out in the world today, it only requires one or two immoral ones to ruin the image of an industry. That is going to have to change for society to continue lowering its death toll in the labour industries.


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