Who Am I?

Hi World,

My name is Sam Tuck, and I was born and raised in East Vancouver, and am currently a third year Honors Geography major at the University of British Columbia. This portfolio serves as a face to the academic work I have completed within my degree program and beyond, as well as current projects I am working on in my extracurricular positions. I hope it can be of use to students, staff or potential employers as a platform through which they can gain a deeper understanding of who I am and the work I do.

In terms of what I want to do after graduation, I have a dream of participating in the creation of a future where sustainability becomes central to society on a global scale. I believe that as humans we are all intimately connected through our experiences; we all feel the same emotions and go through different and yet interconnected cycles of life. What ties us together in this experience is our shared environment and resources. This intersection of Human-Environment  is where I find myself being constantly inspired, not only to make a change to our environmental actions, but also to change the way that our culture and economy frames nature. I believe that climate change, while a daunting, wicked problem can also serve to unite people across the world under a common frame.

This passion of incorporating sustainability back into the social fabric of daily life has led me to a number of leadership roles on UBC’s Vancouver campus. I am currently a Sustainability Ambassador for UBC, as well as an executive for Common Energy UBC. Through these avenues I have had the fortune of working with a number of other student leaders in the UBC Sustainability Collective. The collective is a group of representatives from 12+ sustainability groups on campus, using collective action to push UBC to take a bolder stance on climate change and climate justice issues. We are currently in the process of influencing UBC’s development of a new Strategic Plan, as well as pursuing the idea of a Climate Hub on UBC campus. We also work to promote AMS reform, civic engagement and curriculum change, and recently held a UBC Climate Town Hall in order to develop a cross-campus dialogue to brainstorm creative solutions for climate action at UBC. I hope these roles, along with my academic work can lead me to employment in fields such as urban planning or sustainable development policy and programming. I am also interested in impact investing and the ways in which we can use capitalism to promote social change. 

Thank you for visiting my site, hope you enjoy!

