A letter of Application

Lane 555, Jinping Road
Shanghai, China, 200240

September 17, 2020

English 301 99C Technical Writing
University of British Columbia
2329 West Mall
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4

Dear Classmates of English 301,

Please take a moment to read my application letter and consider me to join your professional writing team during the semester. Please also find attached a copy of this application letter. Currently, I am a third-year student of the Bachelor of Computer Science program at the University of British Columbia. Previous to pursuing this degree, I have graduated with a Bachelor of Economics in SILC Business School in Shanghai, China.

My last undergraduate experience provided me with a team-orientated working mindset, given most of our classwork was done by groups of students. Besides school courses, I also took part in several competitive commercial activities and won a remarkable prize for our varsity team. I think of myself as a team accelerator, who can always motivate those around me and stimulate the best out of them. The international business school I studied in was jointly operated by China and Australia. Courses were taught in English and many credits were allocated on language courses. Thus, I had a long period when I could continuously improve my English writing skills, which is highly valued in the school’s learning objectives. When I was preparing for the application for UBC, I took a considerable amount of time practicing my writing skills and finally received a good mark of 28/30 in TOEFL writing. I used to work part-time at SILC’s Career Development Center. My job was to connect industry professionals with students who were interested in finding a career path. As a result, I practiced professional communication through e-mail, telephone and in person. Through the work experience, I have become more familiar with the codes and standards of professional communication.

As a non-native English speaker, I do not have enough experience exposed to professional writing in English. However, I have confidence in both my general English writing skills and my professional communicating skills. Although I have my weakness comparing to native speakers, I believe self-cognition is also a crucial part of self-development. To be specific, I expect myself to take more effort when writing in teams.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application letter. I am looking forward to being in a team where we can share our new ideas and grow together. If you think I can be a contributory teammate of yours, please contact me via email at samuelshi20@alumni.ubc.ca


Enguang Shi


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