Monthly Archives: December 2020

Revised Peer Review of a Formal Report

TO: Shuge Luo, ENGL 301 99A Student
FROM: Enguang Shi, ENGL 301 99A Student
SUBJECT: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft
DATE: December 10, 2020

Hi Shuge Luo,

Thank you for submitting your report draft, I enjoyed reading your report on the investigation of the effectiveness of waste management.


I found the potential solution part is the most informative section of your report draft. It lists several very insightful and easy-to-implement solutions to solve the current problems of garbage collection in Scotland. The article should be easy to understand for its intended audience because it does not contain many technical terms, and some more complicated concepts are well explained.


The organization of the article is very clear and efficient. Because the author uses headings and subheadings very well. The use of big chunks of text is also avoided in the article. Most part of the article is connected to one another very naturally and logically. The link between the data result and the potential solutions can be strengthened in the final version of this report.


The tone is objective and positive throughout the whole report, and YOU-attitude is well-reflected in the content. Through some logical derivation, I can easily draw conclusions similar to the author, so the potential solution part is also easy to follow.


Graphics of this report is concise and perfectly integrated with the content of the article, but they are not labeled. The rest of the visual elements are equally pleasing to the eye.


It is an interesting experience to read your draft! Hopefully, my review is helpful when you are composing your final version of this report. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at

Revised Peer Review of Application Package

To: Shuge Luo, ENGL 301 student

From: Enguang Shi, ENGL301 student

Date: December 15,2020

Subject: Peer Review of Application Package

Thank you for submitting your application package. The following is my review of your application package, I hope it can be helpful for your modification.


First Impression:

This application package is very well written. The resume is very detailed and looks professional. The cover letter and the three letters for acquiring reference were written in a respectful, polite, and professional way.

The format of all documents is very good, and the organization of the application package is very easy to follow. The application package is informative, including all necessary information. Please review the comments below:


The Advertisement or Application Instructions

  1. The source of the ad is not included in this section. Please cite this website in MLA documentation.


Cover Letter

  1. This cover letter is quite informative because it covers all the related experiences that might attract the employer. Also, each part of this cover letter connects with one another really well. Good work!
  2. Big chunks of text should be avoided. You could instead separate it into sections to make it looks better.
  3. There should be a “the” before “University of British Columbia”
  4. There should not be an “a” before “project experience” because “experience” is noncountable.
  5. There should not be a “for” after “arrange”.



  1. You did a good job on your Resume because it looks clear and concise and it also includes all the necessary information on one single page.
  2. The “Ball Control” project you did could be extended a bit more in terms of the programming techniques you used.


Three Letters Requesting Reference

  1. All three letters are written in a proper manner and a clearly demarcated structure. Great works!
  2. There should be commas after each “Dear someone”.
  3. All three letters are requesting references from instructors. You could consider increasing the diversity of your sources of reference if it’s possible.


Conclusion :

Generally, you did an excellent job with your application package! It is both informative and well-organized except for some minor errors. Hope my suggestions will be helpful when writing the final application draft. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at

Best Regards,

Enguang Shi

Revised Complaint letter and Response letter

Enguang Shi

No.333, Lane 555, Jinping Road

Minhang District, Shanghai


January 20, 2020


Wuchu Jiao

No.1, Shangda Road

Baoshan District, Shanghai


Subject: Request for Sealed Transcript


Dear Wuchu Jiao,

I am a previous student at Shanghai University. My student number is 15124256. After graduation, I have been preparing to apply to Canadian universities. To assess my academic performance during my undergraduate years, the universities I applied for required sealed official transcripts. The transcript has to be sealed and directly sent from Shanghai University in case that any forms of fraudulent conduct occur. I phoned the Archives Center for consultation on this matter, but they refused to provide a sealed official transcript. The reason they stated was that their superiors told them not to provide sealed transcripts during the pandemic.

I was worried that if a sealed transcript could not be provided at this time, then It would be a hard time for not only me but also most of the students who want to apply for a foreign university, given the fact that a sealed transcript is required in most of the cases. I suggest that during the special time, if the rule-maker could not consider the students’ needs in every possible case and find solutions to them, at least there should be some flexibilities in the operation. I sincerely asked for further consideration of my request and I am looking forward to hearing from you.



Enguang Shi


Wuchu Jiao

No.1, Shangda Road

Baoshan District, Shanghai


January 21, 2020


Enguang Shi

No.333, Lane 555, Jinping Road

Minhang District, Shanghai


Subject: Re: Request for Sealed Transcript


Dear Mr. Shi

Thank you for your feedback. Every student’s feedback is greatly appreciated as we strive to continuously make our services better. Our goal is to provide possible solutions to students as much as we can.

We have known your situation and had a discussion among the faculty members. Firstly, we want to sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you experienced. It is truly a hard time for all the students. Considering that, we have provided more possibilities than before. However, for your situation, we worried that there might be risks of not providing an authentic transcript to the universities you applied for. We have experienced situations that the final transcript is different from the one in our system because there is a technical defect in our system. Due to the fact that we haven’t found a solution to this defect, we required students to check their transcripts in person before they’re sealed.

We will inform you when you can come to the school and check your transcript as soon as the school re-opens. Sorry for the inconvenience. I would suggest requesting a late submission of your sealed transcript from the universities you applied for. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to let us know.



Wuchu Jiao


Revised Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report with Surveys

Revised Formal Report Proposal

To: Dr. Paterson

From: Enguang Shi

Date: October 14, 2020

Subject: Proposal for Promoting EVCARD’s Electric Vehicles Rental Service to Users who Own Cars in Shanghai.


EVCARD is an electric vehicle car-sharing project of New Energy Vehicle Operation and Service Co., LTD in Shanghai International Motor City. The user of this service can reserve the vehicle by himself at any time, and borrow and return the vehicle at any return site. Until now, EVCARD has been the largest and most competitive electric car rental company in China. As shown on the EVCARD app page, it is mentioned that EVCARD services help to reduce carbon emissions. EVCARD’s emissions-reduction effect is reflected in its substitution effect for ordinary petrol-powered cars. However, it should be paid attention that a large percentage of EVCARD users do not have a car at home. These households have more carbon emissions from transport than before.

Electric cars can produce carbon emissions. But instead of being emitted into the air during driving, carbon emissions are produced by burning coal in the process of producing the electricity it uses. Although hydrogen, wind, and nuclear power have accounted for an increasing proportion of China’s electricity generation in recent years, about 80% of its electricity is still generated by thermal power.

Statement of Problem:

It is argued that EVCARD has a stronger substitution effect for the travel of families without vehicles than families which own vehicles, EVCARD increases carbon emissions more than it reduces them. By the calculation, EVCARD service in Shanghai would cause 18,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent being emitted every year compared to not having this service, which contributes to 0.16% of the annual carbon emissions generated by transportation in Shanghai.

Proposed Solution:

One possible solution is to promote the convenience of EVCARD for families with cars. Firstly, If there is a need for a one-way trip, such as going to the airport, driving to work in the morning but not planning to drive because you have to drink alcohol in the evening, EVCARD is indeed a more convenient option in this case. In addition, if there is an EVCARD charging point in a parking lot, you can be exempted from the parking fee for parking in the EVCARD dedicated parking space. EVCARD also does not require additional car maintenance costs, for people who do not have a high demand for driving, EVCARD is more cost-effective. Finally, in Shanghai, certain kinds of licenses are banned from entering aerial roads in downtown. However, all of the EVCARD’s vehicles are not banned. If EVCARD wants to reduce overall carbon emissions, it should pay more attention to promoting the convenience of EVCARD for those families with cars.


To assess the feasibility of promoting EVCARD services for families with cars. I plan to pursue these inquiries:

  1. What percentage of car-owning households have such needs?
  2. How many of these families have heard of or used EVCARD?
  3. Where did these families see information about EVCARD?
  4. Why would a family with a car consider using/not using EVCARD?
  5. For families with cars who do not know EVCARD, will they consider using EVCARD if they are informed of the above benefits?
  6. Will these families use EVCARD more than their own car for environmental reasons?
  7. What is the content of the current advertisements of EVCARD company?
  8. Where does the EVCARD company always put their advertisements?


The main secondary data in my research comes from academic journals or papers on marketing and advertising. For the primary data, I will join the car owners WeChat group to issue online questionnaires.

My Qualifications:

The graduation thesis of my last undergraduate degree was about EVCARD service. My thesis is supervised by Dr. Shanxia Sun, who is an expert in econometrics and the research field of the new energy industry. In this paper, I analyzed and calculated a large number of sample data about EVCARD user behavior, and estimated the impact of EVCARD on Carbon emissions in Shanghai. Finally, Dr. Sun agreed with my conclusion that EVCARD will lead to the increase of carbon emissions in Shanghai and other parts of the paper. I can use some of the research samples in my paper. I also learned marketing courses in my previous degree. In addition, I live in Jiading District, Shanghai, which is where Shanghai Motor City and EVCARD headquarters are located. I have a lot of EVCARD borrow and return points and users around me, so it’s convenient to do extra research on them.


For the urban environment, reducing carbon emissions will slow the greenhouse effect and improve air quality. For EVCARD, increasing users who own vehicles not only offers more profit opportunities but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Providing a contribution to reducing emissions is also more likely for EVCARD to receive state funding and social support.



Progress Report with Surveys

Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 99A Instructor
From: Enguang Shi, ENGL 301 99A Student
Date: November 14, 2020
Subject: Progress Report on Formal Report

As requested, this is a formal report summary regarding promoting EVCARD’s electric vehicle rental service to users who own cars in shanghai. Please find my online survey questions attached.


Chunhua Huang: Chief Marketing Officer of Global Car Sharing


The purpose of this report is to assess the feasibility of promoting EVCARD services for families with cars and provide a detailed solution, so as to decrease the emission caused by EVCARD’s services.


For the urban environment, reducing carbon emissions will slow the greenhouse effect and improve air quality. For EVCARD, increasing users who own vehicles not only offers more profit opportunities but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Providing a contribution to reducing emissions is also more likely for EVCARD to receive state funding and social support.

Research Plan

  • Identify potential promotion aspects of using EVCARD services rather than driving private cars.
  • Compose and issue an online questionnaire to assess the acceptability of these potential promotion aspects.
  • Analyze the primary data collected by the online questionnaire to identify the promotion content.
  • Identify the source of secondary data to collect the current marketing scheme and practicable marketing strategies
  • Detail the possible marketing plan by analyzing both the primary data and the secondary data.

Writing Schedule

  • Nov 15th: Start the primary data resource collection
  • Nov 20th: Start the secondary data resource collection
  • Nov 25th: Begin report draft
  • Nov 28th: Revise the report draft
  • Dec 1st: Share report draft on the team forum
  • Dec 10th: Revise the report draft based on the suggestion from peer review
  • Dec  15th: Final revision on the report
  • Dec 17th: Post the final report on the team forum

Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the progress report.

Online Questionnaire draft (for random car owners)

Revised Definition Assignment


In this assignment, we must write three definitions for the term we choose: parenthetical definition, sentence definition, and expanded definition. The purpose of this assignment is to enable students to distinguish between different types of definitions and to know how to use these definitions correctly in different situations and for different audiences.

I would use the word Nostalgia. The target audience is either people who have experienced nostalgia but know little about its origins and evolution, or people who are interested in psychology. The aim is to give the audience a rough idea of what nostalgia means and to expose them to theories used in the field.

Parenthetical Definition:

I was overcome with acute nostalgia (longing for a period in the past) for my days at university.

Sentence Definition:

Nostalgia is a sentimental longing or wistful affection for a period or places with happy personal associations.

Expanded Definitions:


The term nostalgia was coined in the 17th century by the Swiss physician Johaness Hofer. It is a compound word, consisting of nostos (return to the native land) and algos (suffering or grief).


Over the past 300 years, the concept of nostalgia has evolved from being a medical disease to being understood as a psychological construct. Through the construction of historical retrospection, the role of a medical context is first concerned, and then psychiatry, psychoanalysis, and psychological methods.


Contemporary understandings distinguish between nostalgia and homesickness. First of all, nostalgia is more associated with warmth, old times, childhood, and yearning than homesickness. In addition, nostalgia transcends social groups and age, whiles studies of homesickness focused on the psychological problems that young people might have after leaving their home environment. Finally, nostalgia can refer to all kinds of objects, but homesickness refers to the place where one was born. In general, nostalgia is defined as “warm feelings about the past, a past that is imbued with happy memories, pleasures, and joys” and identified it as “a universal effect that results in a heightened mental state, an enhancing, uplifting mood related to particular memories of the past.”


Nostalgia is a way in which a person develops and maintains identity, and reminiscence is the primary means by which a person maintains a relationship with the old part of himself, and by which a person measures personal change over time. So your identity today is developed and maintained by having autobiographical memories of the past. The memories also serve as bridges to connect the present you with the past you.


Nostalgia. (2020). In Oxford Online Dictionary. Retrieved from

Batcho, K. I. (2013). Nostalgia: The bittersweet history of a psychological concept Educational Pub. Foundation. doi:10.1037/a0032427

Sedikides, C., Wildschut, T., Arndt, J., & Routledge, C. (2008). Nostalgia: Past, Present, and Future. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 17(5), 304-307. Retrieved October 1, 2020, from

Image Sources:


My Unit One Reflection:

Unit one Reflection

Self-assessment Reflection

After a semester of study, I have made significant progress in professional writing. First of all, different writing strategies are needed for different audiences. Now I must think about what kind of person my potential audience is before I write, and then I think about how to convey my message most professionally and efficiently. Secondly, I also learned a lot about the details of professional writing. For example, I would consider using positive rather than negative vocabulary and avoid using leading questions when designing questionnaires. Finally, what is closely related to writing is the format and layout of the text. In the process of writing emails, resumes, and designing the website, I learned how to make the text look clearer and more pleasing to the eye.
However, in the process of studying, I also realized my shortcomings in writing. First of all, as a non-native English speaker, my English writing speed still needs to be improved. In addition, I sometimes have to write very detailed and lengthy communication emails out of politeness. This is not necessarily a good reading experience for readers. So I should continue to learn how to express myself politely and professionally in as short a length as possible.
Professional English writing for me is professional writing first, and English writing second. Since I am from China, the ideas and theories of professional writing that I have learned can first be integrated into Chinese writing, which will benefit my future career development. In addition, the improvement of my English writing skills will also enable me to complete my studies at UBC more smoothly. It will also help me a lot in applying for co-op jobs in the future.

Web Folio Reflection

Our last assignment for ENGL 301 this semester is to make a web folio. Since I am about to apply for a co-op job, I decided to design a web folio that emphasizes my marketable skills. I used my 301 blog site as the base of my web folio, made changes to the existing pages, and added some new pages and posts. In the process of making my web folio, I realized that it is very important to make my web folio look beautiful, concise, and attractive at the same time. So I made some designs for my web folio. On the cover of the web folio, I used my own photos for decoration and added a music player in the lower right corner, so that all viewers who enter my web folio can enjoy music and read my web folio at the same time. In addition, I added a short introduction to each page. This allows the audience to understand the contents of my attached file first, and then decide whether to download it and read it carefully.
Although the process of making a web folio is not very complicated, for me, this learning process made me realize the importance of showing my abilities in the job search process. And when we design content for others to watch, we must think from the perspective of users and consider what kind of experience they would prefer. For me, this is a very precious learning opportunity.

Unit three Reflection

For unit three, we learned about the YOU-attitude and composed our first draft of the formal report, and also reviewed our peer’s work.

For the learning process of YOU-attitude, I think applying YOU-attitude in our daily communications with others is really helpful for us to clearly and effectively convey our perspectives and standpoints. It is also an interesting experience to learn from giving advice to Evan Crisps’ awful email.

When drafting my formal report, some emergencies occurred in my personal life. As a result, my draft was written in a hurry and I didn’t have enough time to cover all the requirements. I really think I could have done a better job on my draft and it also made me reflect on the improvement I could have on my time arrangement.

For my partner’s review of my draft, although my draft was a bit messy, he still did a careful and comprehensive review of my work. I really appreciate that and his pieces of advice are also vital to the composing of my final report.

When reviewing my partner’s work, I thought he had a great arrangement of ideas and visuals in his draft. The topic of his report is recycling issues in Scotland. It is an inspiring and interesting topic that I really like. I am looking forward to reading his final report in the future.

Formal Report Draft