Unit three Reflection

For unit three, we learned about the YOU-attitude and composed our first draft of the formal report, and also reviewed our peer’s work.

For the learning process of YOU-attitude, I think applying YOU-attitude in our daily communications with others is really helpful for us to clearly and effectively convey our perspectives and standpoints. It is also an interesting experience to learn from giving advice to Evan Crisps’ awful email.

When drafting my formal report, some emergencies occurred in my personal life. As a result, my draft was written in a hurry and I didn’t have enough time to cover all the requirements. I really think I could have done a better job on my draft and it also made me reflect on the improvement I could have on my time arrangement.

For my partner’s review of my draft, although my draft was a bit messy, he still did a careful and comprehensive review of my work. I really appreciate that and his pieces of advice are also vital to the composing of my final report.

When reviewing my partner’s work, I thought he had a great arrangement of ideas and visuals in his draft. The topic of his report is recycling issues in Scotland. It is an inspiring and interesting topic that I really like. I am looking forward to reading his final report in the future.

Formal Report Draft

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