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Task 3: Voice to Text Task

*Unformatted text appears below the questions.

  • How does the text deviate from conventions of written English?
    The text is one solid block. The breaks that are seen is to show when I was cut off and restarted speaking again. (Sometimes it took me a bit to notice so there’s some hiccups in the speech.) There’s a lot of extra ‘so’s and ‘ums’ and whatnot, plus some homonym errors. For instance I said I would keep an eye on it and it wrote “keep an ion it”. There’s also no periods to break up the sentences.
  • What is “wrong” in the text? What is “right”?
    I already talked about some of the wrongs, but it did a good job of capturing words said in speech, but generally not written, like “gonna”. This just feels like one giant run-on sentence. I suppose that’s hot some people may interpret my speech though, so I guess it’s not really wrong! ????
  • What are the most common “mistakes” in the text and why do you consider them “mistakes”?
    The most common mistakes are the lack of punctuation. Punctuation helps to follow the rhythm, know where to pause, and clear up ideas.
  • What if you had “scripted” the story? What difference might that have made?
    If I had scripted the story, there would have been less repetition, more organization, and more meaningful language.
  • In what ways does oral storytelling differ from written storytelling?
    Oral storytelling adds inflection and cadence that are lost in written language. Dramatic pauses, raising and lowering of volume, difference voices, etc all add charm and dimension that written language lacks.

Take three so I tried this was the first time I tried this this whole speech texting turns out I was just making a voice memo so that was affective and the second time I did it I didn’t realize that I was talking into my phone and it cut me off pretty quickly so I was just talking into the void for no apparent reason so I’m gonna try to keep an ion it this time and see how much texting you so this time I am on the notes app before I was trying it with text message I need five minutes is a long time to talk but I also don’t want to download any special software or anything like that because I really wanted to try to see what the average person has access to

So I cut me off again without me noticing but I didn’t talk for too much longer after the last thought on here I am now I think I probably did actually try to look at what I did I am so anyways I wanted to kind of see what the average person would have access to and so far that is a very broken system but I’ll write more about that in in my blog so I think it’s really interesting when people say that I am tech savvy I know a lot of people especially in my family that work in programming and network security and that kind of stuff so when I’m just like oh I can you know do a little bit of HTML and I can teach kids some basic coding

But that’s nothing compared to what they can do so I’ve never really considered myself super tech savvy but I still think that I know more than the average person when I consider what I’m able to help people out with the questions that I get especially in a school setting so the whole point of that story was to try to be like I want to see what the average person has access to and it times out a lot so that would be really frustrating if you were trying to tell a story or if you really relied on the software because this is really frustrating trying to think about when somebody would use it so either they can read maybe or they are having trouble spelling or if you or if you’re driving in a car but in any case I’ve been talking for a while I think between everything that I’ve done it’s definitely been more than five minutes I apologize for this rambling block of crazy