Archive for October, 2012

An Entrepreneur’s Perfect Employee

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

After my usual nightly session of web browsing, I came across an interesting human resources blog post on a business blog called Work Shifting. A blogger by the name of ajleon expressed the difficulty of  finding and hiring new employees when being an entrepreneur, mainly because it becomes less of a privilege and more of […]

Entrepreneurship: Is it E for Everyone?

Sunday, October 21st, 2012

According to Forbes magazine’s interview with Susan Wilson Solovic, the author of It’s Your Biz: The Complete Guide to Becoming Your Own Boss,  “Not everyone is cut out to be their own boss. You must have the “right stuff.” To be an entrepreneur, there are distinct qualities an entrepreneur must possess over an average business man.  First, you […]

Social Entrepreneurship: A taste of liberty

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012

Social Entrepreneurs utilize their businesses to promote an aspect of social change. These special types of Entrepreneurs have a social mission to influence a social purpose. Mark Brand, the new owner of Save-On-Meats in Downtown Vancouver’s East Side, is an example of how Social Entrepreneurs venture out to change the world through their businesses by […]

FoxConn proves that an Apple a day doesn’t necessarily keep the doctors away

Tuesday, October 9th, 2012

Tech Giant, Apple, is worth an astonishing $508 billion dollars as of May 2012. (Zoe Fox, Mashable Business) With products in 160 nations around the world, one would think that they must have an amazing business model to reach a successful industry position. Yet, according to Cole Dickson’s blog post, Apple is being questioned for […]

Baby See, Baby Do

Monday, October 8th, 2012

Tim Burke from my COMM 101 class wrote a brief summary about companies that advertise towards children. Although his points are valid, I disagree with his views on supporting advertising to children. When I watched McDonald’s baby advertisement, I observed a couple of main points. As the video starts, the baby is alone swinging in […]

McDonald’s vs Child Obesity: Are children truly “loving it?”

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012

Over the past decade, accusations have been raised about nutritional values in McDonald’s ever-so-popular food. While the ubiquitous golden arches enjoy their success of their 13,381 locations in USA alone, the USA obesity rate skyrockets — especially in children. McDonald’s USA has been widely criticized for adding contents like ammonium hydroxide “pink slime” to their […]

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