Social Entrepreneurship: A taste of liberty

by sandrawoo ~ October 16th, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Employees standing outside of Save On Meats

Social Entrepreneurs utilize their businesses to promote an aspect of social change. These special types of Entrepreneurs have a social mission to influence a social purpose. Mark Brand, the new owner of Save-On-Meats in Downtown Vancouver’s East Side, is an example of how Social Entrepreneurs venture out to change the world through their businesses by blending financial and social returns. At Save-On-Meats, Brand employs disabled, homeless and troubled individuals in his food incubating programs, diner and meat shop. Save-On-Meats radiates Brand’s hope for social change in his community, especially in the distressed condition of the Downtown Vancouver East Side area.

Upon watching Vancity’s Stories of Impact video featuring Save-On-Meats, I discovered that this modern categorization of the business world is definitely becoming increasingly in trend with our society. These types of businesses provide numerous opportunities for people who have problems like having no other alternatives but to being homeless or unemployed. When there aren’t any other options, Social Entrepreneurship will be there to open up a bright future for society. It is a concept that will continue to inspire and influence the modern world in positive ways.

For more information about how you can get involved with Social Entrepreneurship at UBC, Check out UBC’s Social Enterprise Club.  

Also, take a look at the Vancouver Social Enterprise Forum to learn more.

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