An Entrepreneur’s Perfect Employee

by sandrawoo ~ October 31st, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized.

After my usual nightly session of web browsing, I came across an interesting human resources blog post on a business blog called Work Shifting.

A blogger by the name of ajleon expressed the difficulty of  finding and hiring new employees when being an entrepreneur, mainly because it becomes less of a privilege and more of a necessity. He continues to write about how finding the right employees are crucial. However, the ability to find the employees isn’t as troubling as the ability to hire them. One dilemma is that entrepreneurs need to hire employees that will have all the qualities needed to achieve the goals and visions of the business. However, hiring these specific type of quality people usually requires a high paying salary which not all entrepreneurs can afford. At the same time, if an entrepreneur was to hire people low pay rate, it would cause employees to inherit a “clock in, clock out” mentality which would also hinder the business’s chances of success.

Thus, ajleon concluded that the criteria to hiring the “perfect” employee is that they must be curious, helpful and proactive.

I’m coming to the realization that being an entrepreneur is much more intricate than it sounds. Perhaps it’s not always just about having the right qualities, but also about having the right people together working towards achieving the same goals.


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