Archive for November, 2012

My First Semester at the University of British Columbia

Saturday, November 17th, 2012

Oh how fast time goes by when you’re having fun. Almost three school months have already passed and finals are already here. This semester I’ve taken  5 courses –all of which I can say that I’m quite satisfied with. For those who want to know a survival information about my first semester at UBC, hopefully […]

My Apple Iphone & I

Saturday, November 10th, 2012

Recently, I’ve been asking myself why I’ve grown so accustomed and addicted to my Iphone.  I purchased my first Apple product nearly about 1.5 years ago and since then, I still haven’t the slightest desire to replace my Iphone with any other cellular product anytime soon (unless it were the Iphone 5, of course). After […]

Save Money Sustainably

Monday, November 5th, 2012

Being a person who is indubitably conservative about spending money, Ecoki’s “How to save money in 11 easy ways sustainably” post struck my attention quickly. Little did I know, instead of learning new and easy ways I could save money, the post became just an overview of the current things I do to save money. […]

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