My First Semester at the University of British Columbia

by sandrawoo ~ November 17th, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Oh how fast time goes by when you’re having fun. Almost three school months have already passed and finals are already here. This semester I’ve taken  5 courses –all of which I can say that I’m quite satisfied with. For those who want to know a survival information about my first semester at UBC, hopefully you will find this useful.

As we are now already nearing the end of the term, there are some key things that personally produced academic results for me in my classes. The first thing to do is to always be engaged during lectures. Being able to feel engaged in classes gives you motivation to listen, understand and better memorize the concepts that were explained which will contribute to better results on assignments and tests.  Another major key element to staying applied in classes is to be organized. It is important that you know your due dates for assignments so that you can maintain a stress free mentality. Last but not least, get a reasonable amount of sleep. I know that many UBC students would laugh at the word “sleep” in all of its ironic glory. However, sleep is important! Even if you’re not getting the amount of sleep you need per day (realistically speaking), at least give yourself a little napping break on the weekend. The least it could do is relieve stress for you — a stressful mind decreases your brain’s ability to work at it’s full capacity.

These are just some of the techniques that  helped me through my first semester. Feel free to comment about some techniques that have helped you in your experiences!

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