Baby See, Baby Do

by sandrawoo ~ October 8th, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Tim Burke from my COMM 101 class wrote a brief summary about companies that advertise towards children. Although his points are valid, I disagree with his views on supporting advertising to children.

When I watched McDonald’s baby advertisement, I observed a couple of main points. As the video starts, the baby is alone swinging in a room in front of a window. I felt like this symbolized that the video specifically to targeted children. The baby is swinging in a chair and begins smiling when he sees the golden arches of McDonalds and cries when he doesn’t. This imagery suggests that the baby, who doesn’t know any better about his personal health, is unable to control his emotions without being able to eat McDonalds. At the end of the video, the maid/mother comes into the room and even smiles while acknowledging his behavior as if it’s completely normal for him to be acting that way.

Maybe it’s true that parents should watch over their child and stop blaming advertisements. However, it’s not always easy for a parent to completely ignore their child’s wants and needs, even if it’s bad for their health like McDonald’s is.

<Photo Source: Google Images. Baby Eating MCdonald’s Cheeseburger. McDonald’s AT. February 10, 2004.>

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