Entrepreneurship: Is it E for Everyone?

by sandrawoo ~ October 21st, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized.

According to Forbes magazine’s interview with Susan Wilson Solovic, the author of It’s Your Biz: The Complete Guide to Becoming Your Own Boss “Not everyone is cut out to be their own boss. You must have the “right stuff.”

To be an entrepreneur, there are distinct qualities an entrepreneur must possess over an average business man.  First, you must have immeasurable discipline. Since you are your own boss, there won’t be anyone ordering you to meet contract deadlines with all of your major partnerships. Therefore, not only will you need the discipline to work alone, but you will also need to have the confidence to make important business decisions in solitude. Lastly, being an entrepreneur requires a great deal of innovation and critical thinking.
Especially if you are a new entrepreneur, you are the skin, muscle and heart of your business. Being an entrepreneur doesn’t always require and MBA to understand and make sense of what the core lessons in entrepreneurship are.

If you ever get a chance to learn from a successful entrepreneur when they talk about themselves and what they do, you will notice that the reality of who they are as a person is closely aligned with what their business is all about.  Furthermore, you will soon realize that this is the key to their success and this is what gives them the motivation to continue when their plans and dreams are in jeopardy.

So you think you have what it takes? If you’re unsure, take the Canada Business Entrepreneurial self-assessment here.

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