Layoffs vs. Salary Cuts

Everyone thinks laying off employees may be the best way to cut costs but it may ruin the relationship between the society and the company.

I’m currently working part-time and just recently, one of my co-worker was laid off due to the downhill of business. By seeing this happen, it scares me because I have the least seniority and I’m worried that I’ll be the next person to be laid off. My workplace is no longer a positive interacting team work environment as everyone is competing with each other to stay alive in the business. The business moral decreased dramatically.

I strongly feel that when business is downhill, owners should consider giving vacation time for the least seniority workers instead of laying them off. Also, I suggests owners to talk to their employees about this situation and reduce the number of hours each employee would normally work or proportionally decrease the pay.

The link below explains alternatives to lay offs. However, I feel the owners should consider their employees’ feelings about being laid off and give employees a vacation time or proportionally decrease the pay. Laying off employees might not be the best way to cut costs after all!

Check out the alternatives to lay offs:

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