1. Home


My favourite place to watch the sunset in my hometown, Toronto.


Welcome to My Web Folio! 

Hello and welcome! The purpose of this web folio is to showcase my development as a writer and the various technical documents I have composed throughout the technical english course ENGL 301.

ENGL 301 is a writing course that is uniquely offered at the University of British Columbia. This is a course that provide to resources to help students understand the underlying principles of written and online communication in various business,  technical and professional contexts. This includes how to write abstracts, proposals, reports, and correspondence. As such, the intended audience of this course include but are not limited to students studying business, science, and education. This course also provide various opportunities for students to collaborate with their peers via online discussions, peer reviews, and document analysis to help simulate a real-life workplace environment. ENGL301 also puts an emphasis on how to social-network, write a resume, and design a Web folio. All of which are essential skills that are especially useful in this digital age, since having an online presence has become increasingly more important. Through this course, I expect to strengthen my existing skills in written communications, while learning new techniques and strategies that may help me communicate in a more clear and effective manner.

Below is a suggested order on how to navigate my web folio:

  1. About Me
  2. Best Works
  3. Application Package
  4. Resume
  5. Blog

I hope you enjoy reading my web folio and find some helpful information to supplement your own technical writing journey. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at sdutta06@ubc.student.com